Guess what. I don't have to eat my hat! ALSDEAD just held their much awaited JUDGEMENT DAY live on May 16 where they announced the official induction of drummer, Nikky, to the ranks and the release of an as yet untitled album later this year. If you were lucky enough to attend the live, you had the opportunity to grab a limited edition of their newest single, STAR LESS , which officially releases 6/4. It also means I hate you. I lot. Check out a preview below.
And for your daily dose of altruism, ViViD announced they will be appearing at G-Beat Gig Box this summer. G-Beat Gig Box is a festival designed to raise awareness about the difficulties of living with disabilities. The festival will take place on 7/5 and is free to people with disabilities.
And last, but certainly not least, DaizyStripper has announced the release of their latest album, TRAGUS , on 6/18. This release is a bitter-sweet one, as it is their first since the departure of their guitarist Mayu. It will be available in three types and contains 14 tracks, including their newest singe, G.Z.S.K.K.
Oh yeah. And there's this.
I don't really need to blurb this one, do I? Didn't think so.
And that's the Quickie. Rock on.