Hello everyone- Taka here with another review on Project: Lixx!
I'm majorly excited to bring this to you because it's on a release from a very special band for me. Nightmare was my first ever Japanese rock experience when I was 13. It started with Alumina, then exploded to me finding as much of their discography as was available at that time on YouTube (which also lead to "recommended artists" and me finding all of the favourites I hold dear today).
On January 7, Nightmare released their 24th single [blur], about 2 and a half months before their most recent album, [Carpe Diem] (released March 25). I have yet to get my hands on Carpe Diem but the title track of this single does appear again on it.
The three tracks for this single are:
1. blur
2. Buddies
3. Such A Nonsense System
It's been awhile since I listened to a full new single from Nightmare. I admittedly haven't been keeping up with them in the past 3 years, but I'm always open and excited to jump back into this band's amazing music to see how they're doing. Without further adieu, my review on each track of this single!